Watch a newbie dive into the shallow end of the Linux Pool! Disclaimer: If I have to use the command line to make it work, then it doesn't work!

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Welcome to a social experiment

Hello, i'm Christopher, and I hate computers.

Which is why I thought a blog about my experimental switch to linux would be of interest to many. What happens when you mix an admitted newbie with a computer enthusiast's operating system? You're about to find out.

My Credentials

Allow me to qualify my self imposed rank of newbie. I've used Windows for about 10 years. Extensively. However I wouldn't have a damned clue about how it actually works. My method of computer conflict resolution is a two step process:

1) Press the reset button. If error persists...

2) Backup to CD, blast everything and reinstall.

This will turn in the guts of many an accomplished computer enthusiast, but the reality is this is how just about everybody operates a computer. I'm fairly content with how I operate my computer, but i've always had the nagging guilt that throughout all my relationships with computers i've never really gotten to know them. That's probably why they hate me.

Brief Details on my Methodology

My approach to using linux will be as follows:
  • I desperately want an excuse to return to my comfort zone - Windows.
  • I don't want to waste my time with manuals. I never have to in Windows!
  • If it doesn't work it doesn't work. I'm not interested in who is at blame, what i'm interested in is being able to use a feature.
  • If I can't make something work by selecting it in a menu or a pretty icon, then it doesn't work.
This may sound extraordinarily unfair, but it's a reality with newbie users. This is how we use computers. We want to think about our task at hand, not the computer itself. To us, good interface design is all about reducing our brain use. If we're not convinced an OS conversion will cut the brain tax, we'll return to Old Reliable.

The Specs

My Linux version of choice is called Ubuntu 5.1. I chose it because all the other Linux I saw was sprawled across 7 cds or something ridiculous like that. It's also billed as 'Linux For Human Beings,' which is a really good match because i'm one of those.

My Computer specifications are as follows:

Dell Inspiron 6000 lappy. It is so shiny.

I'm reading the rest directly off the invoice:

1.73 Pentium M, 512MB of RAM, Intel Wireless, ATI video with hyper memory, a DVD drive and 60 gig harddrive (it's so freaking slow) and some other stuff. If a presently unidentified hardware component does not work, i'll let you know.

I also have a 22 inch monitor which I plug into the back of this machine, when i'm at this desk. I like having two screens. However not enough to keep it plugged in when i'm on the road, because the monitor is pretty heavy and requires a wall outlet.

Parting Words

I'm not too fussed if this foray into Linux doesn't work. My hope is that I satisfy my geeky curiosity and at the same time maybe help some linux people out there - afterall you can only make things newbie friendly by asking the newbies! I start this blog with good intentions, however i'll be as honest as I need. If that means annoying people, my sincere apologies in advance.

Comments are most welcome!


Blogger Dan said...

Good luck with it!

Be sure to keep a notepad and pen handy - every time you're confused about something, write it down.

At the end of it all, you can collect it all up and work out common threads and search for them in

If you don't find them, you can write up a decent bug report.

8:49 AM

Blogger Cheesie-the-Pirate said...

Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging.

Have fun!

Remember, strong opinions = blogging success.

In other words, we're going to have a winner with Chris!

6:00 PM

Blogger Chris said...

I'm an emotional guy! But it runs both ways. I'll slam things I don't like, but when I find something I DO like i'll hump its leg like there's no tomorrow.

6:05 PM


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