Watch a newbie dive into the shallow end of the Linux Pool! Disclaimer: If I have to use the command line to make it work, then it doesn't work!

Wednesday, January 04, 2006


I never imagined getting a working internet connection could be such a pain in the proverbial.

I outwardly stated at the beginning that as a newbie user I didn't want to waste my time with manuals. However, if I were to continue in that vain then i'd never get a working internet connection on Ubuntu, and this blog would be effectively over a day after it started. No fun.

So, a damn long while of searching through google eventually gave me an idea of why I can't connect to the internet. As an isp help page explains, some adsl modems have the ability to have my isp user name/password inserted into them. Mine doesn't, but instead needs a programme on the operating system to transmit this to/through? the modem.

Windows XP has this sort of programme, hence why I have a working ADSL connection in 3 seconds.

Ubuntu, the linux for human beings, has a different approach.

My google trek revealed these instructions:

How to install Broadband ADSL/PPPoE Client (RP-PPPoE)?

Read general_notes

Read start#how_to_install_basic_compilers_(build-essential)]]


wget -c
sudo tar zxvf rp-pppoe-3.6.tar.gz -C /opt/
sudo chown -R root:root /opt/rp-pppoe-3.6/
sudo gedit /usr/share/applications/RP-PPPoE.desktop

Insert the following lines into the new file

[Desktop Entry]
Exec=gksudo /opt/rp-pppoe-3.6/go-gui

Save the edited file (sample)

Read how_to_refresh_gnome_panel

Applications → Internet → RP-PPPoE

Ah, you see? All I have to do is type a few sudos zxvfgnhs, learn how to "compile" copy a few text files around, you know the easy stuff.

Interestingly enough I found out about a programme named 'roaring penguin' that gives me the exact functionality I need. It's a 3.7 MB file. Had it been included in Ubuntu i'd be on my way. But it's not, so i'm up the creek. Why would a newbie bother with jumping through so many hoops to get an internet connecction working? I will not type out all that crap above there, and I shouldn't be expected to either.

It appears I now won't be able to use the internet until I get my new wireless modem. Apparently those can be configured through a web browser, which sounds a whole lot better than learning the finer points of compiling software.


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