A Long Holiday
It's been a while since I updated this blog. And with good reason - I broke up with Ubuntu. It wasn't one of those messy affairs where you go through the motions, passing in hallways without saying hello. Or going to bed at night, this is my half of the bed, that's yours, if you want to read your book go to your mother's house. No, it was quite a clean, quick break.
What it basically came to was that, whilst Ubuntu is really nice, it just placed too many demands on me. I can't commit my life to opening up a command line and fiddling with its knobs to get it to work, when my ex, aptly named XP, just does everything I want.
So, why am I updating this blog then? Simple. The chance meeting. A lot like when you're walking in the street, and you run into your ex. You exchange greetings, discover that you've both not had a decent screw since you broke up - abeit it's more like the girl has had 5 and none were satisfying, because that's the default setting for females, meanwhile the bloke has been sitting at his computer desk at 3am slapping away to porn which is progressively getting younger, kinkier and more foreign, all the while thinking to himself 'why did I break up with her when I didn't have a substitute ride organised?!.'
That metaphor got way out of control, so i'll cut to the chase. I turned the computer on, took a leak, came back and Ubuntu was loaded because the boot manager is still installed. Meh, let's give the old fling a go. Maybe it'll turn out that the problems we previously had were just due to my emotional state at the time and not anything to do with Ubuntu itself. Well for Ubuntu's sake I hope that's right.
When something gives me the shits i'll be sure to let the internet know. Until then...
Or, just maybe, try a different distro?
11:16 PM
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